
"The meaning of an image is changed according to what one sees immediately beside it or what comes immediately after it."
John Berger, Ways of Seeing

"The more an image is joined with many other things, the more it flourishes."

Siena: Painting With Emotion

The Metropolitan Museum of Art show

Siena: The Rise of Painting, 1300-1350 the new show at the Metropolitan Museum of Art influenced the creation of these seven collages. The incredible color and the expressive quality of the people represented in these paintings inspired me to create these artworks.


These photo collages are departure from my previous work. I realized one aspect of painting that I missed was the freedom of the brushstroke. In creating these abstract photo collages, I wanted to reawaken the freedom of the brushstroke. By putting aesthetic sensibility; I feel these collages satisfy my desire to create an impressionistic composition.


Digital & Gum Bichromate Prints
Two Photographers: Hope Zanes & Phyllis Odessey

Duet is an experimental series of hand-cut photo collages by Phyllis Odessey, that combine digital prints with gum bichromate prints.

Gum bichromate is an alternative printing process. It is expressive, suggestive and exacting. The Gum Prints in these collages were made by Hope Zanes. Hope passed away in 2024. The gum fragments in these collages are selective parts of the original photographs by Hope. I photographed the gum prints and used the copies to create these collages. The originals remain intact.

Homage to Niki de Saint Phalle

“In this collage, my intention is to capture the experience of walking through the Taro Garden. The garden is both exciting, exuberant, energetic as well as mystifying, confusing and riotous. It is not too far-fetched to say that wandering around the garden is a mind altering experience.”
Phyllis Odessey

Renewed Spirit

“I could do whatever I wanted, whether people liked it or not. Most people don’t see the edginess in my work. They think it’s all fantasy and whimsy. It’s my destiny to make a place where people can come and be happy: a garden of joy.”
Niki de Saint Phalle

Pandemic Energy

“Ordinary photography, it seems to me, is obsessed with subject matter, whereas (my) photographs are not principally about their subject.  Or rather, they aren’t so much about things as they are about the way things catch your eye.” 
David Hockney

Hanging By A Thread

“I’m not even interested in the single good picture.  It’s really about the sequence that can be endlessly rearranged.”
Dayanita Singh

Snowflakes Series

“The snow-crystals …come to us not only to reveal the wondrous beauty of the minute in Nature, but to teach us that all earthly beauty is transient and must soon fade away. But the beauty of the snow is evanescent, like the beauties of the autumn, as of the evening sky, it fades but to come again.”
Wilson A. Bentley

On December 18, 2020, Vermont received 20 inches of snow. One of my favorite things to do is to snowshoe through the woods. In 2014, I created Walk To The Water. This walk through the Italian countryside included placing snowflakes, made from magazine pages, in the landscapes. On my snowshoe adventures in 2020, I placed paper snowflakes made from magazine pages in the landscape. After one of these walks, on returning home, I cleared a place on the kitchen table for a cup of tea and a snack. The table was full of photographs. As I freed up some room on the table, one of the paper snowflakes landed on top of one of the photographs. This chance occurrence led to a series of photographs.

These images were not created in Photoshop.  They are photographs of actual snowflakes made from paper illustrations; placed on top of photographs or placed in the landscape and photographed by me.

Photo Collage

“George Sand, dreaming beside a path of yellow sand, saw life flowing by, “What is more beautiful than a road?” she wrote. “It is the symbol and the image of the active, varied life.” Each one of us, then, should speak of his roads, his crossroads, his roadside benches; each one of us should make a surveyor’s map of his lost fields and meadows. Thoreau said that he had the map of his fields engraved in his soul.”
– From The Poetics of Space by Gaston Bachelard

These photo collages are my way of creating images of the natural and man-made world engraved on my soul.

Alternate Process Photography

photograph title: Twisted

I started making cyanotypes after seeing the exhibiton: Blue Prints: The Pioneering Photographs of Anna Atkins and the companion exhibition Anna Atkins Refracted: Contemporary Works at the NY Public Library in 2019. “Anna Atkins is an exception during the 19th century. She’s a female photographer, and one who’s working shortly after the medium had been invented. Because she is a pioneering woman, she is a model for many contemporary female artists. Atkins is also influential to contemporary eyes because her imagery is simple and beautiful.” Elizabeth Cronin, Assistant Curator of Photography, NYPL.

Photographs © Phyllis Odessey